Scenes from My Sunday

Happy Sunday, Joggers! How was your weekend? Faster than you wanted? What else is new?!

For many of us, this is the first blessed three-day weekend of the new year. I have to drag myself into the office for a few hours tomorrow, but I’m treating myself to a facial as a reward for being such a hard worker ;).

I hope your 2016 is off to a great start! So far, I have no complaints. My running has been going wonderfully, I’ve kept the house clean, and my diet has been pretty decent without all those pesky holiday treats lying around. I haven’t completely blown it on any of my 2016 goals, so I’m considering the first few weeks of this year a victory.

My Saturday was consumed with putting away all of our Christmas decorations, along with cleaning up the house and our usual Saturday date night. Today, I turned my attention to running and getting set up for the upcoming week. Here are just a few scenes from my Sunday:

Some Miles in the Snow

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This is the first time I’ve ever run during a snow shower, and I didn’t hate it! I love it when it snows but I don’t really like getting wet, but the sidewalks weren’t slippery and it was kinda fun to run through the snowflakes.

New Friends

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Folks, this is a wild turkey. Mind you, you can see NYC from where I live. But somehow, a pack of three big wild turkeys showed up in our neighborhood a few months ago and seems to be hanging around. This afternoon, the trio was just strolling down the block like they owned the place. This one let me get pretty close to snap a pick, but then he gave me the stink-eye so I took off down the street.

Postrun Snack

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A banana, an apple, half a cup of nonfat greek yogurt, some cinnamon, and a mug of hot chocolate peppermint tea on the side. Heathly, filling, and guilt-free.

New Dessert Treat

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I picked up this bad boy at Whole Foods earlier this morning. What can I say? I’m a sucker for salted caramel and anything that’s on sale!

There you have it, Joggers- some snippets from the highlights of my Sunday. I hope you all enjoy your evening and have a great week!

Sound off below and let me know what you loved about your Sunday!

Sweet dreams,


3 thoughts on “Scenes from My Sunday

  1. Ah, so I am actually quite terrified of turkeys. I was chased by one in college so that is probably one. (It was actually quite a terrifying experience).

    It sounds like a great weekend for you, glad you had a good time.


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